Tue 25 Apr 2023
Novak Djokovic had an interesting answer to a question regarding his biggest opponent, namely his biggest obstacle. He came right out and said:
“Novak Djokovic is Novak Djokovic’s biggest opponent. If I conquer him, I can conquer anyone on the other side of the net, with due respect for any opponent. The internal fights are always the most important ones, with all those dilemmas and emotions. You have to get yourself into a most favourable shape, both physically and emotionally, to be able to play as you want to play. There has been a long-lasting debate how to transfer this easiness from performance in practice to an official match. There is a reason why not so many players manage to be successful and play first-rate tennis continuously and for a long time. I had a privilege to achieve excellent results in the last 20 years. My experience, my self-knowledge and the routine I follow allow me to play the best I can and win a match.”
Tue 25 Apr 2023
Tue 25 Apr 2023
Tue 25 Apr 2023