I prefer to practice in the evening

Wed 19 Apr 2023

Dusan Lajovic arrived to Banjaluka with his pet, the Shiba Inu dog named Rio. Lajovic, however, admits that Rio can be stubborn sometimes.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
– Go to the toilet.
Do you prefer morning or evening practice sessions?
– I prefer to practice in the evening.
Favourite food?
– Gazpacho.
If you weren’t a tennis player, what would you do?
– Anything in the IT sector.
Favourite pastime activity?
-Counter Strike.
Instagram or Tik-Tok?
– Instagram.
What do you always have on you?
– Mobile phone.
What TV series you are currently watching?
– The Night Agent.
Are you a sea or a mountain person?
– I prefer the mountain.