Tue 25 Apr 2023
Laslo Djere commented on the weather in Banjaluka too. Unlike Rublev who prefers cold weather, our tennis player would prefer to see more sun above the National Tennis Complex. Rain partially disrupted plans this morning but Djere managed to finish the match successfully and did not have to wait long.
“Waiting is not easy, especially when it comes to the first match. Once the rain stops, I have to be ready because you need to get back to the court quickly, but when it comes to the second or the third match, you can be more relaxed. It’s an integral part of this sport, so I’ve got used to that. When it comes to Banjaluka, generally speaking, these conditions are not ideal for me. I prefer nicer weather; when clay is drier, tennis balls bounce better and they are a bit faster. Although, to tell you the truth, the first match was good. The Centre Court is rather fast and I expected slower balls based on my experience from the practice court. Performance of the balls decreases maybe around the 6th or 7th game so they bounce lower but the court is holding up well, it’s even a bit wet but it is good to go”, Djere explained.
Tue 25 Apr 2023
Tue 25 Apr 2023
Tue 25 Apr 2023